Monday, March 14, 2011

March Daring Kitchen Challenge: Ceviche

Kathlyn of Bake Like a Ninja was our Daring Cooks’ March 2011 hostess. Kathlyn challenges us to make two classic Peruvian dishes: Ceviche de Pescado from “Peruvian Cooking – Basic Recipes” by Annik Franco Barreau. And Papas Rellenas adapted from a home recipe by Kathlyn’s Spanish teacher, Mayra.

I have been so busy and tired these past few weeks that I am sad to say I have not been fulfilling all of my obligations. I was supposed to go visit a friend the other day to finally meet here beautiful baby girl...but I was SO exhausted that I ended up sleeping all day, constantly hitting the snooze button on my alarm.

I wanted to hangout with my brother during the week and watch movies, since he was out of college for Spring Break, but any time that I didn't spend working, I spent it sleeping. And now he's gone back to school and I miss him :(

We were challenged to make Ceviche and Papa's Rellena's. this month for Daring Kitchen I couldn't even fulfill that entire obligation. I just did not have the time to make the delicious sounding recipe for the Papa's Rellena's, but I did not miss out on the chance to make the ceviche.

Ceviche was the perfect challenge for this month. It can be prepped and made in 10-15 minutes and can take as little as 10 minutes to "cook", depending on how "cooked" you like your seafood. I marinated mine for an hour. This easy recipe fit nicely with my busy work schedule.

I was so excited to use my new Canon camera today, and when I got ready to shoot pictures, I open the window to use my beautiful natural light, only to find a grey cloudy sky.

Of course.

No worries though. I still love the photos this camera takes.


  1. I agree with you stunning photographs (but I think it is due to the photographer mainly) great work on this challenge. Wonderful texture on the fish it looks so creamy.

    Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  2. Those are beautiful pictures! Your ceviche looks delicious!

  3. @Audax: Thank you! I'm really starting to love food photography.

    @chef_d: Thank you. The ceviche definitely tasted great.

  4. This ceviche looks fantastic, and I really love that delicate pink color of the fish, nice job serving it in those beautiful glasses with the lemon wedge!

  5. @ The Cilantropist: Thank you. I saw yours and it looked great too. Hopefully next month I can complete the entire challenge. Really wanted to make those rellenas.



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