Thursday, July 14, 2011

July DK Challenge: Sweet Corn Soup w/Homemade Dumplings

Steph from Stephfood was our Daring Cooks' July hostess. Steph challenged us to make homemade noodles without the help of a motorized pasta machine. She provided us with recipes for SpƤtzle and Fresh Egg Pasta as well as a few delicious sauces to pair our noodles with!

So I've finally had the time to do another Daring Kitchen Challenge. We had to make homemade pasta, without a machine, and use a recipe from our cultural background.

Here's the thing.

I traveled my entire life growing up, so I come from a little bit of everywhere, you know? But since I was born in Germany, I decided to make Spatzle, a very common German pasta. The technique that Step from Stephfood used is slightly different than the way I am used to making it. When I've made it, the dough is not extremely thick, because it has to be thin enough to push through a colander or some sort, to make a bunch of very small noodles. In Steph's demonstration, she made big dumpling-like Spatzle.

This was very interesting to me, so I decided to try it her way. I just mixed some eggs with cream and herbs, and slowly whisked in the flour. I was not sure exactly what the consistency should have been like, so I winged it. I put the dough on my cutting board, added a little flour, and kneaded it a little bit until it was a fluffy white pillowy ball of dough. At this point I decided that I had veered from a traditional Spatzle, so I decided to call them dumplings instead.

I cut my do in half and rolled each half it into a log, and cut the log into chunks. Boiled them for about 15 minutes and VOILA. Homemade/Handmade Spatz....oops, I mean Dumplings! I made a very quick and delicious Creamy Sweet Corn Soup and put the dumplings in the soup. Let me know if you would like the recipe for the Soup (it's very basic, stock, cream, s/p, herbs, corn, seasonings).

This dumpling and soup recipe would be excellent topped with left-over shredded chicken.



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